Value Sensitive Design: Innovation

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We have a particular opportunity now to redefine the narrative of our human values and put them at the core of A.I. systems development. People, society, nations and corporations are awakened with a consciousness about issues like gender inequality, systemic racism and environmental degradation like never before. And there’s a collective commitment to actually fixing these problems and taking stock in creating meaningful solutions. Mega movements like Me TOO, BLACK LIVES MATTER, Inclusivity, and a rise in CSR are evidence of this. There’s an opportunity to radically impact these systems. A great proportion of individuals and organizations, who are the greatest stakeholders in these systems, are directly impacted by these technologies and shall put them as their highest priority. We have an opportunity to practice some fundamental principles in the creation of new technological systems and the designing of a transformative vision of the good life.


“I will use my strengths of creativity, empathy and alacrity to create innovations that improve the lives of others and protect the well being of the planet while staying true to my values of loyalty, honesty and open-mindedness.” E.L.

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